A candidate choosing to withdraw from Teach Us after starting coursework needs to provide written notice to info@teachus.com. The notice is to indicate the expected last date of attendance and be signed and dated by the student. Upon receiving the candidate’s written notice, Teach Us Arizona will notify Arizona’s Department of Education (ADE) by submitting the Program Withdrawal Letter (as required by ADE).
Candidates may be required to withdraw from Teach Us Arizona for the following reasons:
Failure to complete the action steps and key milestones as outlined in the Personalized Learning Plan. Candidates who require intensive support related to test preparation and/or educator preparation coursework will receive a Personalized Learning Plan.
Violations of the Code of Ethics and Standards for Arizona Educators and/or TU’s Professional Disposition for Candidates
Inactive for 90 days or longer (i.e., past due accounts; no response support team; or assignment/work submissions)
Internship is not completed (separation is immediate).
Failure to pass one or more certification exams
Pursuant to Arizona’s Professional Practices for Certificate Holders, the State Board of Education may impose disciplinary action upon a certified individual, including a letter of censure, suspension, suspension with conditions or revocation of a certificate upon a finding of immoral or unprofessional conduct.
The Arizona educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community and shall safeguard academic freedom. The Arizona educator, in maintaining the dignity of the profession, shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify honesty and good moral character. The Arizona educator, in exemplifying ethical relations with colleagues, shall extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession. The Arizona educator, in accepting a position of public trust, shall measure success by the progress of each student toward realization of his or her potential as an effective citizen. The Arizona educator, in fulfilling responsibilities in the community, shall cooperate with parents and others to improve the public schools of the community.
Before and during the program, you will review and agree to adhere to Arizona’s Code of Ethics and Teach Us Arizona’s Professional Disposition for Candidates (PDC). The requirements for professional dispositions include:
Demonstrate student- and community-centeredness
Honor diverse perspectives and backgrounds
Make responsible decisions that are in the best interest of the teaching profession, particularly decisions related to students
Take ownership of their own and students’ learning
Responsive to constructive feedback
Receptive to collaborating with others
Respond professionally in all communication (e.g., oral, written, electronic)
Maintain the integrity of program components
If a candidate does not adhere to Arizona’s Code of Conduct and/or Teach Us Arizona’s PDC, the progressive discipline process listed below will be enacted.
Investigate the situation or issue, which includes securing the candidate’s explanation
Document the results from the investigation
Inform the candidate of the investigation results
If the investigation resulted in a violation, the following steps will be taken:
Require the candidate to review and acknowledge the Agreement for Teach Us Code of Ethics, which includes the statement, “I understand failure to adhere to the Code of Ethics and/or Teach US’s PDC may result in dismissal from Teach Us.
If another violation occurs during the program, the candidate may be formally withdrawn from Teach Us.
Teach Us is responsible to uphold its candidates’ rights and ensure that the non-discrimination policy is applied for candidates who choose to file a grievance against a program colleague, staff member, instructor, etc. for reasons involving discrimination, harassment, violation of a policy, or other concerns.
To file a grievance follow the process stated:
Submit the complaint in writing to info@teachus.com.
The written complaint must clearly state the facts that are the subject of the complaint and must state the measures the complainant has taken to attempt resolution of the complaint. Anonymous complaints may not be accepted or investigated.
The Program Director or designee will review the complaint and investigate the grievance.
Within 3 days of the investigation, the Program Director or designee will notify the candidate of Teach Us’ determination. NOTE: Disciplinary action (e.g., removal from the program) will be employed if a violation occurred.
NOTE: If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the program’s grievance procedure, the candidate may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The candidate must contact the State Board for further details. The State Board address is 1740 West Adams Street, Suite 3008, Phoenix, AZ 85007, phone # 602-542-5709, website address: http://ppse.az.gov